Mrs. Lea King-Badya Executive director of Keep Golden Isles beautiful spoke to the Exchange club of Brunswick during their weekly meeting. Since 1979, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful has been a leader in helping keep the Golden Isles of Georgia clean, green and beautiful.
A volunteer and community based educational organization, volunteers contribute 14,000+ hours annually in Keep Golden Isles Beautiful efforts, programs and initiatives. Keep Golden Isles Beautiful is a Keep America Beautiful and Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation affiliate.
A public/private partnership, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful depends on monetary, in-kind and volunteer support from individuals, businesses, local governments, civic/community organizations and schools to provide litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling, community greening, water resource and educational programming and activities to Brunswick and Glynn County citizens. Shared Vision Statement working together to make Brunswick and the Golden Isles an exceptional place in Georgia to live, work and visit, by strengthening our communities and enhancing the quality of life
To learn more about KGIB visit their website or give them a call Telephone: 912-279-1490